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PABX Panasonic KX-TDA 600

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Detail Produk PABX Panasonic KX-TDA 600

PABX Panasonic KX-TDA 600

pabx kx-tda 600

Inti Sarana Phone adalah dealerĀ  PABX PanasonicĀ  yang menjual berbagai PABX Panasonic termasuk PABX KX-TDA 100D dan PABX Panasonic KX-TDA 600 yang sudah support IP. Tipe ini merupakan jawaban terhadap kebutuhan PABX murah yang berbasis IP.
Panasonic KX-TDA juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur advance seperti IP extension , IP gateway, PC Phone assistance dll. Dan masih banyak lagi fitur lainnya, oleh karena buat apa beli PABX mahal kalau yg murah sudah canggih.


The KX-TDA series Hybrid IP PBXs combine the advantages of traditional telecommunications with the convergence of IP technology offering maximum feature and functional flexibility to handle all your business communication needs.

  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  • QSIG digital networking allows basic call handling (outgoing and incoming), closed numbering routing, and CLIP / COLP / CLIR / COLR
  • Automatic Route Selection (ARS) / Least Cost Routing (LCR)
  • Reliable networking via T1 / E1. E&M
  • Multi-cell wireless integration
  • Mobile phone integration
  • TAPI 2 CTI interface (TAPI and CSTA)
  • PC-phone PC-Console
  • Advanced call centre function
  • ISDN capability (BRI / PRI)
  • Centralised voice mail
  • 2-channel cell station to connect DPT interface port

The Panasonic IP-Enabled KX-TDA series business telephony solution combines advantages of traditional telecommunications together with the convergence of IP technology-offering advanced features and flexibility to handle your company communication needs. These models can be easily upgraded to high-end KX-TDE series models.

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